Georgia Waters is currently studying a Certificate III in Business Traineeship working at Bendigo Bank Elmore branch. Georgia attends classes every fortnight via our online virtual platform, Microsoft Teams.

When working at Bendigo Bank, Georgia finds herself doing general teller work, which consists of serving customers who walk in to either withdraw or deposit money, opening accounts, putting data into spreadsheets, and much more.

In the workplace, Georgia feels very welcome and feels comfortable when dealing with customers. She sees that the time management and communication skills that she’s learned from both the workplace and training are highly valuable.

Attending classes virtually, Georgia has a really easy time getting the work done, and found that her trainers were really helpful and were always willing to answer any questions that she had.

“I really enjoy working with my colleagues, and find learning all these new skills in training, really interesting. I really like getting to know all the customers that come through, and feel like I’ve gotten the most out of the training program with the help of my trainer’s at Integrity.”

Congratulations to Georgia on her achievements so far both in the workplace and in training!