Due to the recently updated Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions affecting Metropolitan Melbourne, Integrity Business College has decided that classes will remain on our Online Virtual Platform (Microsoft Teams) through to the end of August. Due to the state government reverting back to Stage 3 lockdowns for the Melbourne metropolitan area, it is best to minimise as much risk as possible, and continue with students learning online. Our students have responded incredibly well with our transition to online classes, and we would like to thank students and parents for their flexibility throughout these trying times. We would like to ensure that it is business as normal as much as possible.

Students need to ensure that they are logging in for their scheduled classes and are remaining in contact with their trainers at all times.


This arrangement will be reviewed again in late August, and further correspondence will be provided for you all at a later date.

For any questions, as always, feel free to contact us via phone on 1300 731 451 or via email at admin@integritybusinesscollege.com