The RTO Performance Indicators Report for 2017 has given us some great feedback to be proud of and telling stats to go through. The report is released each year and breaks down the different ways to measure our performance into three main categories; Student Experience, Student Outcomes, and Employer Feedback. We’ve broken down the figures and translated them for you. The full report can be read here.
The first section of stats shows that Integrity is smashing Student Experience, where we are ahead of the average RTO in every measure, with positive perceptions of our assessment process being the highest at 18.4% ahead of the state average.
Integrity works hard to distinguish ourselves from the competition, and we do that by concentrating our efforts into the quality of our training and business practice. To us, education is power, it is choice, it is opportunity, and it is freedom. We want our students to keep developing through what they are professionally and academically exposed to and keep challenging themselves. This report shoes we can let the quality of our work speak for itself. To see that we have 24.9% more students than the state average going on to study further at a higher level than they have previously is one of our proudest outcomes. When students are inspired to keep building their skills and pushing themselves to achieve it, we’re inspired to work harder for them.
Employer Feedback is an important tool to measure how well our training translates to the workplace. We work closely with the organisations that place and employ our students and always seek to ensure that all is running smoothly. To see that we have an equal employer satisfaction and recommendation rate at 94.4% is beautifully rewarding but also motivating us to tackle the remaining 5.6%. Further, that we are 25.5% further ahead than the average for improvement in generic skills and learning experiences tells us that we are on a great track for making sure our students are effective employees as well as educated.
We’re looking forward to the 2018 RTO Performance Indicators Report to see all the details and how we can build even better!